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Vegas For Millions @ Trailerpop (Rotterdam, NL) - 12.07.2008 - Metal-Ways Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery > T - Z > Vegas For Millions > Vegas For Millions @ Trailerpop (Rotterdam, NL) - 12.07.2008

TITLE /* + */ href="/album/33/page/1/sort/ta" title="Sort by title ascending"> +  /* OLIVIA  - */  - 
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POSITION /* OLIVIA  + */  +  /* OLIVIA  - */  - 
Vegas For Millions is a 4 years old Dutch rock band. The band is composed of three musicians: a bassist, a drummer and the singer who also plays the guitar. They released their first album in 2007. Since then, they keep doing what they did before: touring in the Netherlands. Check out their music on their official website.

Vegas For Millions @ Trailerpop (Geoffrey Harreman)
Vegas For Millions @ Trailerpop (Geoffrey Harreman)
Vegas For Millions @ Trailerpop (Geoffrey Harreman)
Vegas For Millions @ Trailerpop (Geoffrey Harreman)
Vegas For Millions @ Trailerpop (Ruben Hoogland)
Vegas For Millions @ Trailerpop (Ruben Hoogland)
Vegas For Millions @ Trailerpop (Ruben Hoogland)
Vegas For Millions @ Trailerpop (Ruben Hoogland)
Vegas For Millions @ Trailerpop (Steven Van Wees)
Vegas For Millions @ Trailerpop (Steven Van Wees)
5 files on 1 page(s)

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